Last updated 25 February 2019
Meet an extraordinary human being: My Huong Le
Travelling provides opportunities. Through travel, we get to experience some amazing new places, learn about different cultures, try new foods and attempt to communicate in other languages.
But one of my favourite aspects of travelling is the people you meet.
During my travels through Vietnam in 2015, thanks to an Australian friend, I met Le Thi My Huong who lives in Vung Tau – 90 minutes outside of Saigon. We spent a day together. My Huong as she is affectionately known is an adoptee – from Operation Baby Lift – who has drawn strength from her past experiences to create a future for others they could never have dreamt of without her help.
Her story is truly inspiring. It is one based on human courage, determination, kindness, returning from adversity and giving back.
Read my story on My Huong, published in this edition of Lift Magazine by following the link LIFT Magazine Issue 8 Winter LIFT 8 15-19
Hi Jennifer,
I also spent about a week with My Houng and her son Daniel about 7-8 years ago in the orphanage but have lost touch with her and keen to make contact. Her email address myhoungle@gmail bounces back so I guess it’s out of date. As my husband and I plan to visit Vietnam later this year we would like to meet up again. Do you know if she is still involved with the orphanage and Long Hai Learning Centre?
Kind Regards
Hi Sherryn,
Yes My Huong is still involved with the orphanage and the learning centre. I will PM you with an updated email address.
Thanks Jennifer. I look forward to your reply.